Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Very First Post (SO EXCITED!!)

Ok so I'm kind of new at this, but very excited about it.

My name is Janelle and "Mommy Whosie-Whatsit" is my new social outlet! I got married when I was 19 years old and my husband and I had our little bundle of joy seven months later. It wasn't easy (pff...not even close!), but by far the most rewarding experience EVER.

When I was younger (because I'm so OLD), I had always envisioned getting married, moving into a big house (white picket fence n' all), having that six figure salary job, and lots of kids to fill up that big house. When my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I found out we were expecting, everything changed. We knew right away what we wanted to do and two weeks later we were exchanging vows at city hall in front of our closest friends and family.

Very long story short, we are still happily married and out little bundle of joy is not so little anymore. In fact she just turned the terrible "2" last week! Time flies when your having fun!
(Thats her in the picture :) ... I'm a very proud mama bear)

So all in all, I've decided to create this blog to reach out to other mommies all around the world web. Motherhood is a universal language and no one's experience is the same. For that specific reason, I created this blog so we can share our unique experiences, our best tips and advice, fun activities, traditions, newest trends, anything and everything you would like to share.

I really want this to be a positive, fun, and upbeat site where mommies can share something new and even learn something new. I am open to suggestions for my new site too! I have a lot of really great ideas for my site and LOADS of stuff I'm so excited to share with you all. So bear with me and keep checking back to see what new and exciting things are going on!

Please comment your mommy-dearest hearts away! I'm so excited to meet you all!